Sarah S – Uptown

I’m Sarah 🙂 I have been living in NYC for basically my whole life, and besides living out of town both for college and while teaching English in Latin America, I’m a born-and-bred Yorkville/Upper East Sider! I’m currently pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and I enjoy the time I have to hang with pups outside of class, research, teaching, and therapy. Outside of school and work, I enjoy playing guitar, singing, baking, and anything audiovisual, whether that be making music videos or diving into a new series.

When I was 13, I finally convinced my mom to let us get a dog. It was going to be a responsibility, she told us – but she thought that me and my brother were finally old enough and ready. And just like that, from November 21, 2008 to April 30, 2022, our family dog CeeCee, a rescue, graced our home. She was 2 or 3 when we adopted her, and ended up living to the old age of 16 or 17 under our care. During that period, I also worked as a dog walker and cat sitter for my neighbors.

My years taking care of dogs – walking them, feeding them medicine, and playing with them, started to add up. I’m now able to walk various sizes of dogs and have an appreciation for the differing personalities we often see across breeds. CeeCee was a Shiba Inu mix and so, typical of that breed, she preferred humans to her own species. This was frustrating at first – “Come on, why can’t you be a real DOG and play with other dogs?!” – but over time, I came to appreciate her unique, introverted, and elegant ways.

After having lived with and loved my own dog in the big city, I understand the love you have for your pet in this concrete jungle! It’s a unique place to care for a dog, and after doing so for most of my life, I look forward to following more around in their glamorous cosmopolitan lifestyle. Needless to say, I am so happy to be a part of the RuffCity Team and cannot wait to spend some quality time with your furry friend!