Nathaniel – Uptown

My name is Nathaniel, and I spent a brief period of my early childhood living in the Upper East Side before moving all over the country for the past 20+ years (Oregon, Tennessee, Indiana, Nebraska….you name it!). However, I’m currently super stoked to be settled back down in my long-time dream home of NYC!

I’ve been a life-long lover of animals, and as a kid, I tended to beg my parents for new animal friends until they eventually caved in. This led to me having, well . . . a lot of pets in my life—including hamsters, lizards, hermit crabs, turtles, a mouse, a chinchilla, and even a snake!!

With all of those furry (and scaly!) creatures running around, dogs still always held the most special place in my heart. Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of loving and caring for a stubborn but loveable Sheltie named Petey, a sweet and hyperactive Border Collie named Tess, a scrappy, rambunctious little Westie named Malcolm, and (most recently) a Miniature Dachshund named Sebastian, who prides himself on being the king of tug-of-war! 😉

Throughout my life and with all of my experience, I’ve always thought of dogs as just concentrated bundles of joy. When you make a dog happy, you can watch them feel the kind of pure joy that we ourselves forget how to feel sometimes—and if you show them love, they’ll reflect that joy right back at you 🙂

I feel honored (and very joyful) to get to spend time with your furry family members as part of the RuffCity team, and you can rest assured that I’ll treat them with the same love, admiration, and care I’ve reserved for my own beloved doggy pals over the years.