Jess – Uptown

I’m Jessica, but you can call me Jess, and I moved to NYC about 16 years ago from upstate NY. I always wanted to live in the big city after watching movies and seeing it on TV as a child, so when I got the chance, I immediately grabbed my stuff and set out on my new adventure; and what an adventure it has been!
I grew up with dogs my whole life (mostly large breeds from Dobermans to pit bulls) because my parents always had an affinity for the bigger pups. Our family dog from my childhood, Paige, sadly passed away 2 years ago, she was a gorgeous Akita/Rottweiler mix. She was the best and I viewed her more as a fuzzy sister! 🙂 My mom rescued a German Shepard/ Akita mix named Maddy and a pit mix named Remy after I left home, and I always look forward to spending time with them and spoiling them rotten whenever I get the chance.
A year after I moved to NYC, I grew tired of working in an office and doing retail, so I decided to work with animals. The first pet-related job I found myself in was at PetSmart, which was retail, but the biggest perk was being able to see dogs and other animals all day long. I couldn’t pass that up! I learned a lot in my three years there from working with the in-house trainer and learned a lot about behaviors and other tips in regards to feeding and providing the best of care for our furry friends. I also helped out in the grooming salon with bathing and clipping nails, so I’m a bit of a puppy salon pro!
I eventually left PetSmart to work at a doggy daycare which was even more hands-on with the fur babies. During this position, I was fortunate enough to develop close relationships with the pups and their families. I also helped with walking pups home if mom and dad couldn’t get out of work on time. I also worked very closely with our pet parents to help with any feeding or behavioral issues with the knowledge that I had gained from my time at PetSmart, which was truly rewarding.
I previously worked for Ruffcity starting in 2015 and staying with them for about 7 years. I took a break from the walking life but missed it so much that I had to come back. And what better place to come back to then with Ruffcity?!
I’m always committed to making sure your fur kids are safe and happy. These are your four-legged kiddos, after all, and they deserve the best care in the world! My favorite part of the day as a Ruffcity walker was seeing how excited each pup got when I came to pick them up for their daily walk, and I’m so excited to continue filling your pup’s life with joy until you’re able to make it home in the evenings to make their day complete! It fills my heart with such joy!! 🙂