Agnes – Downtown

My name is Ágnes, pronounced with an imaginary “h” at the end (“Ágnesh”), which is one of the very few things I brought here with me from my native Hungary. The other notable one is perhaps my noticeable accent, but I promise all dogs understand me 🙂 I moved to New York in 2002 and as a late bloomer I worked in several different fields such as retail management and manufacturing before realizing what I was born to do: to work with animals.
I have been volunteering at ASPCA as shelter support and walking dogs at Sean Casey Animal Rescue to fill the void of not having my own pupper yet. Something has always come up such as new jobs, divorce, moving, new apartment not allowing dogs … and since adopting one is a responsibility I take most seriously it’s still on hold for a few years.
I live in Bushwick, Brooklyn with the two loves of my life (so far, until I become a Dog Parent myself, then it’ll be three): my partner of ten years and my formerly feral cat. Meanwhile I have my dream job: to spend time with whose company I enjoy the most, your Dogs!